interview 200904

In April 2009 a friend of mine asked me for an interview about ZEN and my-self for a magazine in a virtual world called Secondlife. Since then I was repeatedly asked, if I could publish it “outworld” to share it easier, so here we go(in English only).

Interview for the Secondlife Icon magazine, 20090410

Hi .ZEN, we seem to be missing each other online. So I thought I’d just compile the questions and you can just send the note card back with your answers. My rough draft is due tomorrow.

1) how did you get interested in ZEN? am i calling it correctly?
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the new year

from the last page of the “Lebensfreude” calendar 2009

Look forward to the new year
you get another 365 days to make something out of your life,
you have the chance, to meet many nice people,
life awaits you with many beautiful surprises,
you can learn and explore new stuff,
you can spend time with your kids, your partner or your friends,
you can enrich others life.
Can you think of even more reasons, why you can look forward to the new year?

Freue dich auf das nächste Jahr
du weitere 365 Tage hast,
mehr aus deinem Leben zu machen,
du die Chance hast, viele nette Menschen kennen zu lernen,
das Leben viele schöne Überraschungen für dich bereithält,
du Neues lernen und entdecken kannst,
du Zeit mit deinen Kindern, dem Partner oder den Freunden verbringen kannst,
du das Leben anderer bereichern kannst.
Fallen dir noch mehr Gründe ein, warum du dich auf das nächste Jahr freuen kannst?

Der Lebensfreude-Kalender 2010 bei

chop wood

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.”

“Vor der Erleuchtung; Holz hacken, Wasser tragen. Nach der Erleuchtung; Holz hacken, Wasser tragen.”

Old ZEN saying