Happy Racing

Picture for the blog post "Happy Racing"It”™s been a hot summer day in a lovely park in Arcachon, France. The kids have fun racing around with these horse-cars over the racetrack. Except one.

Straight on was all fine, even in full speed. Changing directions suddenly was the complicated part. Since the horse-car has no steering wheel, the little boy did not know, how to give his journey the proper turn. Quick solution for him: stop-cry-SCREAM

Fast-forward: even many years later, some of us (sometimes) forget to take the reins in your own hands and consciously pull your life in the direction you want. Yes, steering is sometimes energy consuming but it is the best way to actively create your life. Happy racing!

Face the Wave

Picture for the blog post "Face the Wave"Enlightenments at the beach #2:

Waves (of life) come and go. What can you do?

  • Face the wave.
  • Prepare your-self for the impact, be conscious.
  • Try to keep your balance.

On the next level, listen carefully to the world. Most waves announce themselves with some kind of noise… maybe one day you can just fly above them. Namaste

Keep on Moving

Picture for "keep on moving"Enlightenments at the beach #1:

Let’s take these three components: water, earth and a human being.

  • If you stand still at the beach while the waves (of life) come and go, you will sink softly into the sand.
  • If you walk along the beach, the waves will erase your prints.

Conclusion: Keep on moving!

Be a Candle

Be a Candle by Chris Remspecher“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha


wolkenlos - poemA poem I found at a wall, author (to me so far) unknown:

There should be more less for you in 2011.
The sky cloudless,
your heart carefree,
your luck wantless,
your guardian angel jobless,
your mind weightless,
your happiness limitless,
your love doubtless,
your work effortless and
the good times endless.

In German:
Im Jahr 2011 soll für Dich jede Menge los sein. Der Himmel wolkenlos, dein Herz sorglos, dein Glück wunschlos, dein Schutzengel arbeitslos, dein Gemüt schwerelos, deine Freude grenzenlos, deine Liebe zweifellos, deine Arbeit mühelos und die guten Zeiten endlos.

Relax with your iPhone home screen

my iPhone home screen, 201105Less is sometimes more. I created my new iPhone home screen to remind me several times a day about a few things:

  • an iPhone is a Phone
  • ZEN is about time, perception and messages
  • MEN create Social Media

A Tibetan monk once said, you need an empty space around you – to have room  for your thoughts.

Happy relaxing with your home screen and maybe this is also true for you:

Home is where your heart is.


Jaron Lanier – Gadget

You are not a Gadget. A Manifesto by Jaron LanierYou are not a Gadget. A book by Jaron Lanier. Maybe it’s even a medical pill.

If you wonder why 500+ million people use facebook, why cloud computing (or even klout) is such a hype and why we still need intelligent individuals, then this pill is for you.

You have to be someone, before you can share something relevant.

Jaron made me think a lot about the “login effects” of life. The amount of data and information is increasing everyday. New network ports formerly known as human beings have to handle the fragmentation of _flat_ relationships; it’s never been easier to friend/ unfriend with a single mouse click.

You are not a Gadget. A Manifesto makes you reflect and re-think the patterns and networks around you. Be a real person, with your real character because your content is still king!

Thanks for the journey, Jaron!

Amazon.com You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto (Vintage)

Amazon.de Gadget: Warum die Zukunft uns noch braucht

Save the Flag

Save the Flag by Chris RemspecherSave the flag!

Sometimes life is like a clear blue sky, sunny and lovely. With a few clouds here and there, it’s still great. When strong winds whip up the dust around us we switch to the default “I am OK, thank you. How are you?”

Raise your flag, let others know how you really feel – green, yellow, red! Keep the door to your room, flat, house, heart open, so others can visit you. Visiting relatives in hospital did remind me of so many basics recently…

The healthy ones have so many wishes, the ill patient only has one.

If your life currently feels like being in prison surrounded by a stress storm, climb on the top of your cage and hoist the red flag. While you are there, change your perspective and enjoy the view!
