Here’s a tweet from Bar Refaeli:
Don’t torture yourself with memories of the past. Sometimes no matter how you wish things could be just like before, it won’t be anymore.
It looks like our brain is not really afraid of learning new things, it’s more scared to loose old and known patterns. Letting go sometimes simply is a no-go for us. Why?
Maybe you have seen the Pixar movie “Finding Nemo”. Being in the whales mouth, Nemo’s father isn’t really happy to let go and to slide down into the whales stomach. He is expecting the situation to get kinda unhealthy. In the end, what first looked worse to us, suddenly boosts us up directly into our bright future.
If you have difficulties to say goodbye completely to an old pattern, situation or friend in one go, free yourself everyday with another small step. Day by day.
Though you cannot return to the past to make a brand new start,
you can always make a brand new start now, and a brand new ending. -Unknown
Thanks for the inspiration, Bar!
Thanks for the compliment, Milena!