The relativity of Time

Time is relative. Very. In an accident seconds pass by like in slow motion, the minutes you wait for the ambulance to arrive extend to eternity. You see people with green trees on their cars and you think; is it already Christmas again? On your 30, 40, 50, 60th birthday you wonder how did all this years fly by? Sounds familiar?

A look at my Sinn watch shows me time is ticking away, one second after another, precise, unimpressed by my worries not to have enough time. It’s just ticking, tick, tick, tick. Is it real? Do you know the days, when you fight against windmills, nothing seems to move on or works properly. Other days everything is in the flow; you, life, time – all fine. What’s the difference?

Maybe it’s like rafting on the river of life. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Wild and weird – peaceful and clear. When our course in life needs a correction, we are lucky to have friends which help us to paddle back on our track. Stones might show us the way, water flows like tides of time – a.way.

All the world is changing. Life is, to traverse a particular time, a certain space, and with a little luck, to leave a few traces behind.
Elie Wiesel

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How to get 92 years old

Is there a secret to get 92 years old? The ingredients of the secret recipe, which I have learned from a lovely lady in my family are: Eat what is good for your body, make some sports daily, train your mental fitness and, for the dark moments in life, pull out THE hook.
So what’s the hook? More than 50 years ago, she did a journey by train. Happily arrived at the railway station, she noticed a friendly but drunken guy repeating the same sentence over and over again. A short prayer went to heaven; Please Lord, don’t let this chap sit in my train!
Maybe you experienced already in your own life, prayers sometimes come back in a reversed way. So yes, the mantra man was in her train and in the same compartment. Hours later the refraining sentence was burned into her brain. Call it fate or coincidence, today she says; This man might not even know how much he helped me with what he said. Often in my life it kept me going on. And he only said: Somehow……… it will go on!

I am very lucky that I could record her recently(thanks iPhone!). She emphasizes that the break after the first word is very important. Thank you, Elisabeth!
(The recording is in German.)
Hook of life

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Eckhart Tolle Findhorn Retreat

book cover of Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn retreatEckhart Tolle‘s Findhorn Retreat was held in spring 2004 at the Findhorn foundation in Scotland. Luckily it was recorded. The result is a wonderful gem consisting out of two DVDs with two hours footage each and a lovely tiny book with the essentials in written form accompanied with some favorite nature photos taken by Eckhart himself. The four hours retreat is like a journey through mankind, histories, humor and stillness. In a very clear and easy way Eckhart Tolle helps us to understand the normal confusions and illusions we are normally trapped in. If we live too much in the world of forms, attach our wellbeing or luck to forms, it gets obvious that we drive on the suffer highway with full speed. Forms come and go, maybe we succeed to get all forms in order for a short time and can finally be happy – but – its just a matter of time and forms decay and chaos comes back in our life. In addition, most of us(including me), are often stuck in the past or the future. The narrator in our head keeps on telling us our stories which happened in the past, which might happen in the future. Our history gets so important for us, that it sometimes feels like we are at the Oscar awards each day. Day in, day out.

How can we find stillness in all this? Rock’n’roll, baby!

Let me explain. Be a rock, practice some Zazen meditation or just sit on a chair. Do nothing. At least try it. Maybe you manage to experience the gap between two thoughts. Find the gap – mind the gap in the London tube…
Roll it. Imagine your life, your histories from past to future written on a scroll of parchment. Now roll it together from each side, what happens? You land in the present moment, welcome to the NOW!

Yes I know, it sounds all so easy if you write or talk about it. When neuronal thunderstorms once again hit my head and heart, for me, Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat is a great tool to brighten up my brain and being. And it’s even funny! Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World: A Book and 2 DVD Set

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the value of emptiness

Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching about the value of emptiness.

Thirty spokes connect to the nave,
The emptiness between creates the wheel.
The potter shapes clay into vessels,
The emptiness therein creates the utensil.
Windows and doors are cut out of walls,
The emptiness inside creates the housing.
The visible constructs the form of a work.
The in-visible makes up its value.

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mono no aware

JAPAN Die Harmonie der StilleSandrine Bailly created a wonderful book “Japan: Season by Season”. The combination and composition of visual and lyrical arts offers a fine and ethereal path for the readers eyes and spirit. You can even hear the sounds of dancing brushes share their liquid color with the waiting paper. Traveling through the seasons of the book is like a journey into life and time. The physical weight and format of this book helps you to center and come back to earth (again).
Mono no aware. Japan: Season by Season

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waiting for a better offer

waiting for a better offer:
“You can always wait” is a quote of a friend of mine, another friend is most times waiting for a better offer. I recently started to ask myself if waiting can be relaxing. In the case of wait around for a better offer, mate, situation, life – you have to constantly compare new incoming data with an old fixed data you declared as the fixed/ starting point to yourself. These ongoing data-stream builds up tension in your system(brain) which might generate what we in short call stress.
Why do we act like this? (most of us, including me sometimes)
Many times these illusionary calculations are missing some important points. Sure, the TV, Camera, Computer, Gadget will be less expensive in a few months but how much weight do we give the missed joy, experiences, life quality? Can we rewind our lifetime after waiting for Mrs or Mr Right for ages?
Wait less, become stressless…

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chop wood

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.”

“Vor der Erleuchtung; Holz hacken, Wasser tragen. Nach der Erleuchtung; Holz hacken, Wasser tragen.”

Old ZEN saying