SleepyOne Ayurveda Beach Resort, Day #1.
My Ayurveda doctor has 6 fingers but only on her left hand. When I first saw it, better, when my eyes first saw it, I did not see it. It took my brain some time to find something similar to bring it to my attention. Suddenly a scene from the movie GATTACA popped into my mind. A genetically ”žoptimised“ piano player had 6 fingers but on both of his hands. There were special piano concerts for two hands with 6 fingers. Is she a better doctor with 11 fingers? Why am I here?
Today I was wondering when we stop to ask important questions, why are bananas yellow, why is the sky blue, are red chilies spicier than the green ones, why is the upload of this wifi connection so slow? Today I ate a green banana! And yes, it was 100% ready and super yummy! There are green bananas on earth!
So when and why do we stop?
Why do we settle for mediocre knowledge and TV-wisdom? Guess we, include me, got lazy. No more standing up to switch a TV-channel. If you read this later than 2030”¦ well a TV was something like Youtube. But only with 3 channels. Fixed. In content and time. The future was very predictive, two weeks ahead, no surprises. Is surprise a negative or positive feeling for you”¦ and why?
In the evolution of mankind surprises could mean: a tiger jumps into your cave and eats your BAE for dinner. Not funny, unless you are the tiger. Building fences helped to minimise surprises. Oh! And a gate, we need a great GATE.
Can you see a connection between the evolution of remotes and the rise of fast food? With only 3 channels, the marketing departments would have had a hard time to explain the use of the buttons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. So we got more TV-channels. When we passed around 30+ channels, the print media got a bit nervous. The TV-future became more and more less predictive. TV-shows and movies on demand changed the way we lived, how we shop and when. The fixed plan to prepare meals got corrupted and et voilà , fast food is here!
Why waste time for cooking? Just plug in something, pizza, chips”¦ even eatable in the dark.
These days, 2016, the remotes – we call them ”žsmart“-phones now – can also display the content. In other words, we eliminated the way from the couch to the TV. Less steps, great! That”™s why we need fitness trackers now to tell us if we reached our goals. Smart.
In an Ayurveda lesson today, a 10-finger doctor spoke about several rules or daily routines. One was about sweating. His point was: people hop from one AC to the next. Automatic climate controlled spaces everywhere. Home, car, work. If you live in Iceland, well, think about something else.
Our skin is like a firewall, or a security system. If we don”™t sweat on a regular basis, daily”¦, we don’t get rid of stinky stuff. Nature designed our temple, the body, very intelligently but we are smart a$$es these days. Maybe that”™s why we don”™t like surprises. The ”ževerything under control“ feeling is much more powerful. I guess, that is why we get some illnesses from time to time. To teach us modesty.
Hello to the world! 🙂
It’s so nice Chris has shared his thoughts and impressions of the Ayurveda Beach Resort. No surprise, many interesting insights and a beautiful photo too! It would be great to read the continuation 🙂
My personal impression is that I could both agree and disagree with many of the points mentioned above. For instance, who has this feeling “everything is under control”? One of our singers has died recently because a shelf in her bathroom fell on her…
The last moment will come for all of us. What will it be then? Will we have the feeling we have lived our life in the wrong or right way? What is the right way? We all have a free will and decide it for ourselves unless we are too busy with daily routine and have no time for taking a moment and thinking… Perhaps, illnesses are not bad after all if they can give us time and an opportunity to look at our life from a different angle.
Good luck to everyone! 🙂