Meditation can be helpful in reducing stress, making clearer decisions, staying healthy and improving life quantity and quality. Meditation is an old and proven tool of mankind all over the planet, throughout all religions. The form and importance might vary but the core is the same: an orientation to the inner center.
Maybe there is a deeper connection between the words orient and orientation… I’m personally a fan of meditations in Buddhism and ZEN style. So why meditate? Let’s use a geeky example to explain: (de-)fragmentation
If the hard disc of your computer is too much fragmented it will slow down seek time to data access and affect your whole system performance. Basically it’s the same with us human beings. Most times we are fragmented in time and space. A part of our brain-body-soul system works in automatic mode, breathing, entry-(eyes/ ears/ mouth/ nose) and surface(skin) surveillance, food mode – beer mode. Other parts are split(or lost) in past, present and future happenings, hopes and fears. Meditation practice improves your focus, concentration and offers a better “overview”. In many life situations you can be more relaxed, stay calmer, find solutions faster and finally be happier. How do you defrag your system?
One of the easiest version is:
- make yourself a gift of 5 minutes of free time
- sit upright(if possible) in a for you comfortable position – relax
- breathe in slowly
- breathe out slowly – count to 1
- breathe in slowly
- breathe out slowly – count to 2
- repeat until you counted up to 10 – restart breathing and counting from number 1
That’s all. Try to do this for only these 5 minutes and only do this. No other thoughts, no traveling through time and space. Sit and stay in the Now, breathe – count. Easy, right? 😉
Deutsche Ãœbersetzung
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