Sometimes you try something once and if you don”™t succeed right at the first time, you label it as a ”žfail“. On my last voyage to Finland I heard a lovely and motivating story (thanks Antti!).
Imagine a clever guy from India living in Amsterdam discussing with a friend about important things in life and how to achieve your final goals. The conversation goes like this:
Mr. AT: “This thing didn”™t just work out.”
Mr. India: “Well, if it is something really important to you, first you try once, then twice and if it still doesn”™t work out, you have to try it trice!”
Mr. AT: “You can”™t say trice!”
Mr. India: “Why not? IF something is really important to me, I will do it trice!!!”
Hopefully this tiny story keeps you going on next time something looks like a fail. Go for it ”“ trice!