110000 – Thank You!

110.000 unique visitorsSince the start of Chillaxing the World, the statistics have counted more than 110000 unique visitors.

I want to use this moment and thank all the readers, contributors, supporters and you.

Thank you!

To celebrate the 110k, I wrapped up a small gift for you, a ZEN-MEN Medi-X Video, the Ocean Boat in Mauritius, 5 minutes length, fine quality .MP4, about 142MB.

Watch or download it here for free: http://bit.ly/110kSpecial



Guy Kawasaki – Enchantment

Cover of EnchantmentDo you know those rare books – you read the last page, close the cover and think: YES!

Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki is not a book, its more like a manual, an action plan, a reminder to humanity and a guiding light for Web X.0.

In short, its about Win – Win. Which is work, wisdom and love. If you love what you do, your work, your product, if wisdom drives your car, negotiations and thoughts – enchantment is near.

In a network-economy the key for economic and personal success lies in creating win-win-situations and positive feed-backs. Guy Kawasaki´s “Enchantment” offers an inspiring road-map for successful navigation in our evolving digital society. This book is not only a must read, it´s a must share!
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stoll, author of the book “IT-Management”

Set your default to Yes, be a Mensch, create like a god, Just do it the ZEN style and be the pilot of your (business) life! Enchantment is also about telling compelling stories, intelligent interaction with people and understanding that a long journey starts with the first tiny step.

Nature (and Guy Kawasaki) teaches us, that Give and Take has to be in balance to build a healthy ecosystem. Digital natives grow up with facebook, twitter and YouTube but at the end, its a human handshake which is still unique and not downloadable.

Your blog, brain, business, heart and character – content is still king. Guy provides detailed and clear workflows to master push and pull web technologies. If you ever wondered what makes twitter so different to facebook, Enchantment is your friend!

Bring more Kanso into your life, celebrate Seijaku and your life gets Shizen. Read Enchantment and reduce stress. Enchant your employees, your boss and even your wife or husband!

You may think you see the “big picture,” but you don’t see her big picture. This advice alone justifies buying Enchantment. Guy Kawasaki

Update: this review is now officially listed on Guy Kawasaki’s website:

Coffee and Friends by Bar Refaeli

Latte, Cappucino and more!This is a guest post by Bar Refaeli. Bar’s Facebook Page.

Today I wanna write about coffee…
I wrote about Starbucks already and how much money I spend on it every day but now I wanna write about the real stuff. Starbucks has good lattes and Frappuccino”™s but there is nothing better than a real cappuccino or a regular coffee made of great coffee beans.
Every day I need my coffee. It’s funny because 2 years ago I hated coffee. I thought it was the most disgusting drink in the world, way to bitter with a nasty smell.
Funny how things can change.
The ideal taste of a coffee should be a perfect balance between sweetness, bitterness and acidity.
A cappuccino is like a cocktail, and the ingredients need to be right. That includes the milk, full fat is the best to make a great cappuccino (but I always ask for skim- or Soy milk).
I ♥ a soy cappuccino or a skinny latte. There are so many types and styles to make a great coffee but no stomach is large enough to taste them all.

The other funny thing about coffee is that it’s also a social event for me. Every time I meet up with a friend we go for a cup of coffee. There is nothing better than to sit down and talk for hours while you”™re enjoying your cup of black gold.

Animations and Evacuation

no animations availableYou can have a very busy life, full of animations but still feel like this showcase: empty.

In a recent phone call I told somebody I am going to add a new adventure into my life. I expected to hear some “Wow, great!” or at least some “Cool, have fun!” but instead I got:

“Are you sure, you gonna like this adventure? As far as I know you, you won’t like it. I heard about it and others don’t like it either.
I don’t think, that’s something for you.”

Amazing. People seem so often to know better what’s good for you. Especially those with a (nearly) empty showcase of life.

Sometimes evacuation is necessary to protect your plans and dreams. Fill up your case of life with great stuff YOU like and enjoy YOUR show of life!

Decisions by Bar Refaeli

Picture of Bar Refaeli, picked for her blog post "Decisions"This is a guest post by Bar Refaeli. Bar’s Facebook Page.

For me, decisions are hard to make but it”™s part of life and you have to make them.

Once you do, you can”™t go back. You don”™t get a do-over because people don”™t forgive easily. And they never forget.

Time doesn’t stop or rewinds for you to “fix everything” but you can believe that everything happens for a reason and that even though we mess up time and time again and make wrong decisions here and there”¦

God can take every single one of them and turn them into the life He created for you to live.

So make clear decisions and live strong!

Xmas Stress 2010

Christmas man with treeChristmas is near and again, it looks like the end of the road. Opening the door for the new year could be great, if there wasn’t your crazy monkey mind reminding you of all the gifts you did not buy yet, your missed goals of 2010, the quality of relations these days and suddenly – you are real down. Xmas, sounds like X-Men to me, you have to be a superhero to break through the stress window in December!

So what about the quality of sleep, your dreams, your hopes and fears? If you had a manual for your life, like the book of not knowing, would that change a thing? Can we learn, that happiness cannot be found (at least not with our regular approach…)?

In 2010, did you have enough energy for the good life? For me, forest bathing and the words of my perfect teacher were great tools to refill my battery. Next year, will you make (only) a sequel of the movie of your life or will you breathe to relax?

Stress and Sadness often go hand in hand and the relativity of time might teach you the value of emptiness. Try to enjoy a mini break here and there and remember that your blood type drives your stress type!

Let it sync, take a Power-Nap by ZEN-MEN, write more postcards, have a perfect tea time and stop waiting for a better offer. I have made 2512-Christmas to help you to relax in the Xmas harvest time – hopefully it is useful for you.

For the new year, I wish you all good health, much love and FUN to chop (the) wood! 🙂

The End of the Road

Steg bei StralsundHere’s a tweet from Bar Refaeli:

Don’t torture yourself with memories of the past. Sometimes no matter how you wish things could be just like before, it won’t be anymore.

It looks like our brain is not really afraid of learning new things, it’s more scared to loose old and known patterns. Letting go sometimes simply is a no-go for us. Why?

Maybe you have seen the Pixar movie “Finding Nemo”. Being in the whales mouth, Nemo’s father isn’t really happy to let go and to slide down into the whales stomach. He is expecting the situation to get kinda unhealthy. In the end, what first looked worse to us, suddenly boosts us up directly into our bright future.

If you have difficulties to say goodbye completely to an old pattern, situation or friend in one go, free yourself everyday with another small step. Day by day.

Though you cannot return to the past to make a brand new start,
you can always make a brand new start now
, and a brand new ending. -Unknown

Thanks for the inspiration, Bar!

The Book of Not Knowing

Book cover of The Book of not KnowingThe package from Amazon arrived and I thought: “Wow, quite heavy for one single book!” Opened the box and first of all I had to laugh 😀
Does it really take 581 pages to learn how to NOT know? In one word: Yes.

In the past I wrote about two other books of world champion Peter Ralston: Cheng Hsin and Zen Body-Being. The Book of Not Knowing is basically a manual how to dismantle Your-Self. Let’s do a flight through the table of contents (only a few extracts!):

  • Questioning the Obvious
  • A Powerful Openness
  • Beginning to Wonder
  • Knowing and Not-Knowing
  • Learning to Not-Know
  • Empty Your Cup
  • We Are Culture
  • What Is an Insight?
  • Authentic Experience
  • Honesty
  • What Is a Concept?
  • Concepts Dominate Our Perceptions
  • Masks and Hats
  • Looking for Self in All the Wrong Places
  • The Origins of Your Self
  • What Am I?
  • “Doing” versus “Being”
  • The Never-Ending Story of Me
  • Life in the Loop
  • Living as a False-Self
  • All about You
  • Social Survival
  • Survival Is Not Being
  • Changing from Reaction to Experience
  • On the Shoulders of Giants
  • Feeling Trapped
  • Creating a Place to Stand
  • Looking Both Ways
  • The Nature of Emotion
  • The Paradox of Being
  • A Final Word

Keep in mind, there are even more chapters/ topics in the book! My favorites are in the chapter The Nature of Reality: Fear and Anger

Peter leads the way a bit, provides reflective questions to help us to keep on going the path ourselves. If we would only believe the insights Peter talks about, we would just drop into another concept trap. Have you ever thought about how fear can exist? Fear is only possible in a future space-time and maybe you have already noticed, we live in the Now… A hint: fear is not pain…

Anger and a feeling of being hurt are close friends. You find the fuel for anger in your past. It’s up to you how much you feed that fire. Some let it burn until the therapist fires up the three silver bullets: “You have burnout!

If you know a lot, you are considered clever. If you don’t know much, you are labeled as dumb. Breathing in is a wise move if you like to stay alive - breathing out is considered as intelligent, too!

Besides being a manual, The Book of Not Knowing is also a kind of a dictionary, a travel guide, fun, a translator and liberator. If you are lost in translation at daytimes and are tired of your life in the loop at nighttimes, this book is for you. Thank you, Peter!

Amazon.com The Book of Not Knowing: Exploring the True Nature of Self, Mind, and Consciousness

Short feedback from Peter:

Thanks for writing about NK. Glad you enjoyed it.
Not sure if “Fear is not pain” will give readers a correct impression, but I doubt it really matters since they’ll have to read up on it anyway.
Thanks for the support, I appreciate it.

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Continue reading “The Book of Not Knowing”


Man with hat, Mauritius, OceanEnough is a very relative concept. In Germany 18 degree celsius are warm enough to have a drink on the balcony, whereas it would be too cold for people on Mauritius to go to work.

Let’s have a closer look at that concept. The main elements are:

YouNeed ”“ Cure

You are thirsty, your body needs water, the cure is to drink a glass of water or a cup of tea. Easy, right? Now get a lottery ticket, win 10 million $$$ – how many cars will you buy? Why?

Sangter Tulku Rinpoche recently said:

If you have 1$ you have one problem. If you have 10000$ you have 10000 problems.

In various topics of our lives, it seems there is never enough for us. Not enough time, love, money, happiness, freedom, peace, …

When a very good friend told me: “In 10 years we will have fully paid off our house, then we can have a real good life!” I asked him: “And what do you do now in the next 10 years?”

Most times the real trouble with the enough-concept starts when we drop into the compare-trap. The good news is, in most cases, the creator and savior resides in the same brain.

Two friends were at a party held at the mansion of a billionaire. One said, “Wow! Look at this place! This guy has everything!” The other said, “Yes, but I have something he’ll never have: enough.”

Anything in this world, has exactly the value you assign to it. Anything. Think about it, until you have enough…

Thanks Derek for the inspiration!

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Words Of My Perfect Teacher

Sometimes you don’t need many words to describe something:

If he’s enlightened, why doesn’t he act like an enlightened being? … That’s a reasonable question, isn’t it?

Words of my perfect teacher is not only a movie, it’s also a journey inside your heart and soul. Much too often we try to fulfill somebody else’s expectations, we try to follow the rules. On our trail back to real happiness, we either will have to break some rules or  we might lose our-self. Choose wisely!

Amazon.com Words of My Perfect Teacher – DVD

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